9 Hickman Drive | Asheville NC 28803
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ER 70S-6 :Mild Steel -33 lb spools (protected wrapped and copper clad)-8mm
ER 70S-6 :Mild Steel -33 lb spools (protected wrapped and copper clad)-9mm
ER 70S-6 :Mild Steel -33 lb spools (protected wrapped and copper clad)-1.2 mm
All Above: $50/single roll and quantity purchase price of $37/5 rolls or more
AWS E71T-1 -33 lb spools FLUX CORED 1.2mm
AWS E71T-1 -33 lb spools FLUX CORED 1.6 mm
All Above: $50/single roll and quantity purchase price of $37/5 rolls or more
Alloy -MTL -5356 -diam -1mm WeldSmart -15 lb spools
Above: $75/single roll and quantity purchase price of $69/10 rolls or more
Alloy -AWS -ER5356-diam-0.9mm -4lb spools
Above: $25/single roll and quantity purchase price of $17/10 rolls or more
Lincoln EasyArc 6012 Weld Stick Electrode 4.0 x 400mm, complete 4-pack of 44 lbs. @ $40.00
Lincoln EasyArc 6012 Weld Stick Electrode 4.0 x 400mm, individual 11 lbs. pack @ $12.00
ER70S-6 Copper Free Tig Rods (for welding carbon and carbon-manganese steels with tensile strength up to 510 MPa) 11.6lbs @ $50.00
Tig Welding Sticks 309LSI 2.4mm, 38” long, 2.58 lbs/29 sticks per package @ $35.00
(ER309LSI is similar in composition to ER309L with a higher silicon content which produces weld beads that are exceptionally smooth due to good wetting action; a great choice when cosmetic appearance is important.)
ER308LSi Welding Wire, 12 lb. Spool, Stainless Steel, 1.2mm/.0472”, $120.00 ($10/lb)
ER308LSi Welding Wire, 12 lb. Spool Stainless Steel, 0.9mm/.035”, $96.00
We will also consider trading welding supplies for metal table bases to be used for some of our exotic wood slabs.