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And Rounds of:
Grows in Central America, southern Mexico, northern South America, and the West Indies
This heartwood varies from a light orangish-brown to a darker reddish-brown, sometimes with contrasting darker grayish-brown streaks.
Its grain is typically interlocked, with a medium to coarse texture. Good natural luster.
Found in the humid forests and preAndean regions of Bolivia.
Its color is yellow- to brown-reddish with a medium luster.
Its grain is straight to interlocked.
It is most commonly used in construction, furniture and for decorative accents.
(astronium gravolens)
Found from Mexico southward to Brazil.
The color of its heartwood is typically a medium reddish brown with irregularly spaced streaks of dark brown to black.
Its grain can be straight, but is usually wavy or interlocked. Fine, uniform texture with good natural luster.
Also known as Goncalo Alves or Jobillo
(Euxylophora paraensis)
Found in Brazil
Heartwood color ranges from pale to golden yellow.
Grain is usually straight, though some figured pieces may have wavy or interlocked grain. Fine uniform texture and a naturally high luster.
Common Uses: Flooring, furniture, boat building, accents, and turned objects
Commonly referred to as Pau Amarello— which is Portuguese for “yellow wood”—few woods are as consistent and vibrant a yellow as Yellowheart. The wood is also sometimes sold as Brazilian Satinwood, though it is not to be considered a true satinwood.
Also known as Goncalo Alves or Jobillo
Found in Tropical Americas (Central and South America); also farmed commercially
The heartwood can vary in color from reddish-brown, to a more yellowish olive-brown or darker blackish-brown; sometimes with contrasting darker brown/black stripes. In certain species, there are powdery yellow deposits within the wood. Ipe can be difficult to distinguish visually from Cumaru, another dense South American timber, though Ipe tends to be darker, and lacks the subtle yet characteristic vanilla/cinnamon scent while being worked.
It has a fine to medium texture, with the grain varying from straight to irregular or interlocked. Moderate natural luster.
It is rated as very durable with excellent insect resistance. It also has superb weathering characteristics.
Also known as Lapacho.