9 Hickman Drive | Asheville NC 28803
© 2025 Scroungers Paradise, Asheville NC | All Rights Reserved | Privacy Policy
Too many to list.
LEUR-DE-LIS STEM CHARMS: Set of 4 charms, 4 different colors; Unique gift: stem charm, jewelry, party favors, door prizes, stocking stuffers, gift for a New Orleans Saints fan
Originally priced at $15/set — Our Price: $7/set
COLORFUL STEM CHARMS: Set of 6 charms, 6 different colors; Unique gift: stem charm, jewelry, hat decoration, party favors, door prizes, stocking stuffers
Originally priced at $15/set – Our Price: $7/set
ONE-OF-A-KIND BOOKMARKS: Set of 6 bookmarks, 6 different colors; Great reward for students, share with a book club, party favors, door prizes, stocking stuffers
Originally priced at $15/set – Our Price: $7/set
We have over a thousand rolls of fabric, various types, patterns, sizes, amounts/roll, more than 40″ wide.
Any roll currently located in a bin (and ONLY these rolls) is $5.00/roll with no additional discount for multiple purchases.
Come stock up on some great deals on upholstery and drapery fabric, folks.
We have 4 containers of fabric, folks.
One customer shared that he redoes the inside of vintage 6O’s and 70’s American Collector vehicles and he swears this stock at Scroungers is fabric that either dates back to or mimics the fabric of that era!
A Word To The Wise!
Another resourceful alumnus drives around and picks up discarded sofas/ottomans/love seats, for free, and refurbishes the wood and then reupholsters with these lots of fabric. Mark asked him how he learned to do this and he said, “I just figured it out!” Is that the spirit or what!?
Classy, fragrant and environmentally-friendly candles from England. Made from 100% natural soy bean wax threaded with a pure cotton wick. Burns non-toxic, soot-free and lasts 45 hours (30% longer than a paraffin candle). Candles are 100% biodegradable and the packaging is completely recyclable. The candle container is decorative, too.
Choose from 4 different colors and fragrances:
Cream is Orange Blossom & Cinnamon scented
Green is Holly scented
Red is Mistletoe scented
Purple is Lavender scented
These candles normally sell for $19.99.
OUR PRICE: $5/each OR 6 candles for $25
They would make a lovely table decoration for an event such as a wedding or anniversary reception, or a prom/dance.
Amazing/Industrial Mahogany Patterns/Huge/Industrial Art
We recently were sold a very large lot of industrial patterns that were once very important in industrial America.
We had been looking at this large lot for over 20 years…..they finally relented and sold us this exceptional lot of what we know or refer to as industrial art. Some of these pieces are huge… a lot were made from “pattern genuine mahogany”.
This is as eclectic and bizarre as it gets. If you did not know that these beautiful pieces were made of wood you’d bet big time that they were all metal!
We have 2 containers here now in Asheville.
They surely do not make these anymore. We approximate these were made in the 40’s and 50’s.
They can be transformed into furniture/wall hangings/anything that a creative mind can imagine as these pieces belong in artistic communities.
White Only
Approx. 2 in. width / 100 yards length per roll
This type of webbing normally sells for $80.00 to $90.00 a roll!
Scroungers price: $39 per roll!
2 V-Blocks Overall Length (Inch): 1-1/2 Overall Width (Inch)1-1/4 2 Clamps Pair $22.00
Steel Punch Stamping Set 1/4″ 36 piece Letters (A – Z) Numbers (0 – 8) $28.00
SPI V Block Set Cast Iron Tool 4 Inch Quality Built $29.95
Tap Wrench Machinist Metal Work Shop Tool – 3/32 – 3/8″ $11.95
Inside Caliper 6 Inch Inspection Measurement Tool $9.00
Outside Calipers 6 Inch Forged Steel $10.00
Boring Bar 16″ x 1 1/4″ $40.00
12″ Spring Type Inside Diameter ID Caliper with Quick Nut $19.00
6″ Spring Type Inside Diameter ID Caliper with Quick Nut $9.00
Interstate Drill Drift Keys for 4MT Tapers; 5MT Tapers; 6MT Tapers $4.00
Select Arch Punch – 2.1/4″ $89.00
4″ Spring OD Caliper with Quick Nut $10.00
Amazing Lots of Incredible Hardware!
Come see these incredible lots of first class steel/galvanized stainless steel hardware.
Too numerous to list.
Only at Scrounger’s!
Come out and see our selection of metal privacy screens!
You will love our selection of curated art objects to beautify our landscape!
© 2025 Scroungers Paradise, Asheville NC | All Rights Reserved | Privacy Policy